Sunday, February 8, 2009

While the guys are away on a tour of the Baptist Seminary and Christo Statue I am back here at the Apartment. My ankle has been bugging me for sometime now at first I thought that I sprained it but after the Doc looked into it further it seems to be some kind of infection. So I stayed back to rest. Dr. D has me on some meds to take care of the fever, swelling, and infection. Please pray that it clears up quickly.




  1. Rob, we hope the infection clears up really soon and are sorry you are dealing with such a nuisance. Hope there isn't too much pain. Wow, between you and dad its sure a good thing you all have a doctor on the crew. Take care and get better soon.
    Derek & Alanna

  2. Rob, our prayers continue for you and your team. We pray that the meds will work so that you are up a running in no time. Lord willing you are well soon and can enjoy this experience to the fullest. Take care and BE CAREFUL!!

    Love Kim

  3. We hope that your infection is cleared up quickly and that you are back to doing the job you went to do. Look after yourself. I'm praying for you and your team. I Love you! Come home safe!

    Mom U
